[Forschungsseminar-BSV] Talk by Jan Aerts: "Data Visualization in Data Science" - 10.03.2017

Daniel Gerighausen daniel at bioinf.uni-leipzig.de
Mi Mär 8 13:30:08 CET 2017

Kurze Erinnerung an den Talk am Freitag. Bitte erscheint zahlreich, da 
wir ihn als Abteilung eingeladen haben. :)

Beste Gruesse


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Talk by Jan Aerts: "Data Visualization in Data Science" - 
Date: 	Wed, 1 Mar 2017 12:09:44 +0100
From: 	Eric Peukert <peukert at informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
To: 	bigkomp-all at fusionforge.zih.tu-dresden.de, 
ifi at informatik.uni-leipzig.de

Liebe Kollegen,

ich würde Sie gerne zu einem sehr spannenden Vortrag von Herrn Jan Aerts 
von der KU Leuven im Rahmen unseres ScaDS-Kolloquiums einladen.
Ich würde mich freuen wenn Sie die Ankündigung auch an interessierte 
Kollegen aus ihrem Umfeld weiterleiten könnten.

Beste Grüße,
Eric Peukert

*Vortragstitel*: Data Visualization in Data Science

*Uhrzeit und Raum*: 10. März 2017, 14:00 Uhr , ScaDS Meeting Raum
Ritterstrasse 9-13, 2.OG

With datasets becoming more and more complex, generic representations 
often cannot convey the richness hidden inside them anymore which can 
result in patterns being missed and insights that stay just across the 
horizon. This talk will highlight the reasons why we need advanced data 
visualization, illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of visualization, 
and explore ways of thinking systematically about the topic.
**Short biography of Jan Aerts**:*
Jan Aerts has a background in genetics and genomics, and performed his 
doctoral research at the University of Wageningen (Netherlands) on the 
Chicken Genome Sequencing Project. He then moved to Scotland to work as 
a postdoctoral researcher at the Roslin Institute on the Cow Genome 
Sequencing Project. Next, he continued his research at the Wellcome 
Trust Sanger Institute near Cambridge (UK) focusing on structural 
variation in the human and other primate genomes. At his return to 
Belgium in 2010, he shifted focus to data visualization and visual 
analytics, with the aim of finding interesting questions in large 
datasets (big data). His main research topics revolve around visual 
design, interaction design, and (human and computational) scalability. 
He collects inspiration for (both good and bad) visualizations on his 
pinterest board.

Jan Aerts is on the organizing committees of BioVis and Beyond The 
Genome, and has chaired visualization-related sessions at conferences 
including VIZBI, the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference BOSC and 
EuroVis/VMLS. He is also Associate Editor for the BioMedCentral Thematic 
Series on Biological Data Visualization, and academic editor for PLoS 
One. He is member of the Young Academy – Royal Flemish Academy of 
Belgium for Sciences and the Arts.

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