[Forschungsseminar-BSV] Research Seminar 'Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Visualization' - 19.05.15. 13:15
Vanessa Kretzschmar
kretzschmar at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Mo Mai 6 11:40:46 CEST 2019
to the Research Seminar 'Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and
on Wednesday, May 15th, 2019, at 1:15 PM,
in Room P-701 in the Paulinum, Augustusplatz.
A talk will be given by
Alrik Hausdorf
and is entitled
"SyCaT-Vis: Visualization-Based Support of Analyzing System
Behavior based on System Call Traces".
Detecting anomalies in the behavior of a computer system is crucial for
determining its security. One way of detecting these anomalies is based
on the assessment of the amount and sequence of system calls issued by
processes. While the number of processes on a computer can become very
large, the number of system calls issued during the lifespan of such a
process and its subprocesses can be humongous. In order to decide
whether these anomalies are due to the intended system usage or if they
are caused by malicious actions, this humongous amount of data needs
being analyzed. Thus, a careful analysis of the system calls' types,
their amount, and their temporal sequence requires sophisticated
support. Visualization is frequently used for this type of tasks.
Starting with a carefully aggregation of the data presented in an
overview representation, the quest for information is supported by
carefully crafted interactions. These allow filtering the tremendous
amount of data, thus removing the standard behavior data and leaving the
potentially suspicious one. The latter can then be investigated on
increasingly finer levels. Supporting this goal-oriented analysis, we
propose novel interactive visualizations implemented in the tool
SyCaT-Vis. SyCaT-Vis fosters obtaining important insights into the
behavior of computer systems, the processes executed, and the system
call sequences issued.
On behalf of Professor Scheuermann all those interested are cordially
invited to attend.
Yours sincerely
Vanessa Kretzschmar
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