[Forschungsseminar-BSV] Research Seminar 'Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Visualization'

Vanessa Kretzschmar kretzschmar at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Di Okt 1 15:13:05 CEST 2019

  - different time
  - more than one talk (increased duration possible)



to the Research Seminar 'Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and

     on Wednesday, October the 9th, 2019, at 01:00 PM,
     in the room P-701 in the Paulinum, Augustusplatz.


A talk will be given by

     Baldwin Nsonga

and is entitled:

     'Detection and Visualization of Splat and Antisplat Events in 
Turbulent Flows'


     Splat and antisplat events are a widely found phenomenon in 
     turbulent flow fields. Splats are observed when fluid locally impinges
     on an impermeable surface transferring energy from the normal component
     to the tangential velocity components, while antisplats relate to the
     inverted situation. These events affect a variety of flow properties,
     such as the transfer of kinetic energy between velocity components and
     the transfer of heat, so that their investigation can provide new 
     into these issues. Here, we propose the first Lagrangian method for the
     detection of splats and antisplats as features of an unsteady flow 
     Our method utilizes the concept of strain tensors on flow-embedded flat
     surfaces to extract disjoint regions in which splat and antisplat 
     of arbitrary scale occur. We validate the method with artificial flow
     fields of increasing complexity. Subsequently, the method is used to
     analyze application data stemming from a direct numerical simulation of
     the turbulent flow over a backward facing step. Our results show that
     splat and antisplat events can be identified efficiently and reliably
     even in such a complex situation, demonstrating that the new method
     constitutes a well-suited tool for the analysis of turbulent flows.


Another talk will be given by

     Baldwin Nsonga

and is entitled:

     'Analysis of the Near-Wall Flow in a Turbine Cascade by Splat 


     Turbines are essential components of jet planes and power plants.
     Therefore, their efficiency and service life are of central engineering
     interest. In the case of jet planes or thermal power plants, the 
     of the turbines due to the hot gas flow is critical. Besides effective
     cooling, it is a major goal of engineers to minimize heat transfer 
     gas flow and turbine by design. Since it is known that splat events 
     a substantial impact on the heat transfer between flow and immersed
     surfaces, we adapt a splat detection and visualization method to a 
     cascade simulation in this case study. Because splat events are small
     phenomena, we use a direct numerical simulation resolving the 
     in the flow as the base of our analysis. The outcome shows promising
     insights into splat formation and its relation to vortex structures.
     This may lead to better turbine design in the future.


On behalf of Professor Scheuermann all those interested are cordially
invited to attend.

Yours sincerely
Vanessa Kretzschmar
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