[Forschungsseminar-BSV] Einladung BIS Bachelor-/Masterseminar in Vertretung durch die BSV

Vanessa Kretzschmar kretzschmar at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Do Jan 2 14:20:38 CET 2020

  ******************** EINLADUNG ********************

      zum Bachelor-/Master-/ und Vertretungsseminar
            der Abteilung BIS/Softwaresysteme
                  - in Kooperation mit -
        der Abteilung Bild- und Signalverarbeitung

        am:      Mittwoch, den 8.Januar.2020
        um:             13:15 Uhr
        im:   Raum P-701, Paulinum (Augustusplatz)


     Steven Kalinke

wird ein Referat mit dem Titel

     'Visualizing & Manipulating RDF Graphs within the Kanban Paradigm — 
A Prototypical Implementation of a RDF Kanban Board'

halten. Thematisch erwartet uns:

     In the field of Semantic Web, much effort is invested
     in developing possible solutions for exploring and
     managing graph data in a visual context. eccenca’s
     Corporate Memory, an enterprise application suite,
     enables users to work with semantic models and allows
     intuitive data exploration. The current work uses
     eccenca’s software infrastructure to develop a novel
     approach to visualize RDF resources by mapping graph
     data in a Kanban board. Based on an RDF configuration
     graph, users can select the resources represented
     as the cards of the Kanban board, as well as the
     property used to represent the columns of the board.
     In addition to this visualization, the developed
     prototype allows to modify a resource by the prior
     selected column property when moving a card between
     columns on the board. Dropping a card to a novel
     column triggers the resource to update its property
     to the value of this column. Visualizing and
     manipulating knowledge data by relocating cards on
     a Kanban board represents a innovative approach in
     the field of semantic data exploration.


          Alle Interessierten sind im Namen von
      Professor Dr. Scheuermann herzlich eingeladen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Vanessa Kretzschmar

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