[Forschungsseminar-BSV] Research Seminar 'Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Visualization'
Vanessa Kretzschmar
kretzschmar at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Do Mär 25 10:03:05 CET 2021
- different weekday
- different room (new link)
- more than one talk (increased duration possible)
to the Research Seminar 'Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and
on Monday, March the 29th, 2021, at 01:15 PM,
via web conferencing.
A talk will be given by
Tomas Daetz
and is entitled:
'New Interactions for RNApuzzler using VARNA'
From multi-cellular organisms to eukaryotic cells to viruses, RNA is a
key component to understand how this organism works. To determine the
function of such molecules, it is necessary to analyze their structure,
as this is vital to determine their function. One way to analyze those
structure is through the drawings of the so-called secondary structure.
There are many algorithms to draw such structures, being RNApuzzler one
of the few guaranteeing fast planar drawings. RNApuzzler is only
in the ViennaRNA package, which just offers static drawings in the old
PostScript format and has no GUI. Thus, RNApuzzler is not very flexible
and user-friendly. In this work, we added a SVG file support for the
ViennaRNA and integrated RNApuzzler in VARNA, another visualization
for secondary structures to overcome these shortcomings. VARNA also
provides dynamic interactions via a GUI to customize the drawings,
have also been adapted and extended for RNApuzzler.
Another talk will be given by
Jacob Pollack
and is entitled:
'Alignment-based visual quality control of nanopore sequencing data'
Recent developments in nanopore sequencing allow rapid generation of
long reads of DNA fragments using low-cost and compact devices. The
differences to conventional sequencing methods result in a need for a
dedicated analysis tool that takes into account the special properties
and challenges of nanopore sequencing data, such as the long reads and
the relatively high error rate. For appropriate visual quality control,
an alignment-based approach is particularly useful, using BAM files in
addition to the FAST5 files generated during sequencing, as this allows
reads to be viewed in the context of the genomic region they belong to.
Previous alignment-based tools for ana- lyzing nanopore sequencing data
give basic quality control statistics but do not provide options for
viewing the sequences of individual read alignments. An interactive
visual analysis, of the read alignments can help identify patterns in
the sequences that may indicate sequencing errors. A web application
implemented in python was developed to support the import of FAST5 and
BAM files. The contained read alignments can be examined with
plots, allowing in particular the detection and selection of patterns
in the sequences. It is also possible to search for further occurrences
of such patterns and to export the corresponding reads as new FAST5 and
BAM files. The resulting python project, as well as an example dataset,
is provided at https://git.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/jp31zusu/blappy.
On behalf of Professor Scheuermann all those interested are cordially
invited to attend.
Yours sincerely
Vanessa Kretzschmar
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