[Forschungsseminar-BSV] Forschungsseminar Computergrafik, Bildverarbeitung und Visualisierung
Vanessa Kretzschmar
kretzschmar at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Mi Jun 15 14:21:11 CEST 2022
zum Forschungsseminar 'Computergrafik, Bildverarbeitung und Visualisierung'
am Mittwoch, den 22. Juni 2022, 13:15 Uhr,
im Raum P-701 im Paulinum am Augustusplatz, sowie über eine
Wir hören einen Vortrag von
Baldwin Nsonga
mit dem Titel:
'Visual Analysis of the Impact of Periodic Wakes on the Pressure
Side of a Turbine Blade'
zum Inhalt:
Turbines are core components in jet engines for flight propulsion,
plants, and other important energy conversion processes. They are
of successive rows of blades so that wakes of upstream blades reach
subsequent blades where they perturb the flow in an unsteady manner. At
the point where a wake reaches the downstream blades, the perturbation
forms a so-called “negative jet”. In this work, we show that the
jet partially fulfills the conditions of an anti-splat. Based on this
finding, we enhance an anti-splat detection algorithm developed by the
present authors in previous work and apply it to Direct Numerical
Simulation data of a turbine cascade with unsteady wakes. This provides
a sound framework, an objective criterion, and suitable visualization
approaches to investigate the phenomenon even in very complex
as is the alteration of the boundary layer flow along the pressure side
of a turbine blade. The approach allows a very clear visualization of
this interaction, which was not possible to evidence with previous
methods, providing new insight into the physics of this flow. The use
of flow paths shows up to which point wakes affect the boundary layer
along the blade. The reported physical analysis, made possible by the
proposed approach, demonstrates the usefulness of the method for the
application domain. The generalization to flows in compressors, pumps,
and blade-tower interaction in wind engineering and other fields is
Alle Interessierten sind im Namen von Professor Dr. Scheuermann herzlich
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Vanessa Kretzschmar
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