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A T T E N T I O N: Please note that this talk will be given today.<br>
I N V I T A T I O N<br>
<font face="sans-serif"> <br>
to the Research Seminar 'Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and
</font><font face="sans-serif"> on Wednesday<font
face="sans-serif">, September 23th, 2015, at 1:15 PM,<br>
in Room P-702 in the Paulinum, Augustusplatz.</font><br>
The talk is given by<br>
Ala Abuthawabeh<br>
Image and Signal Processing Group<br>
Institute of Computer Science<br>
Leipzig University<br>
and is entitled<br>
"SMNLV: A Small-Multiples Node-Link Visualization Supporting
Software Comprehension by Displaying Multiple Relationships in
Software Structure".<br>
Software engineering tasks like understanding of (legacy)
checking guidelines, finding structure, or re-engineering of
software require the analysis of the static software structure.
The optimal<br>
visualization of this structure depends on the task at hand. In
the software structure is mapped to a graph and graph drawing
are used for displaying the structure. The task of drawing these
becomes more involved if not only one type of relations, e.g.,
call graphs,<br>
but many relation types should be analyzed at the same time. We
propose a<br>
small-multiples node-link visualization, where each small
shows the graph related to one edge type. The visualizations are<br>
synchronized using selection and coordinated views. Using a
separate view<br>
for each of the relations provides additional analysis
capabilities. The<br>
main advantage of this approach is, that optimized drawing
algorithms can<br>
be used for each type of relationship while being able to
display multiple<br>
relationships at the same time.<font face="sans-serif"><br>
On behalf of Professor Scheuermann all those interested are
cordially invited to attend.<br>
Yours sincerely,</font><br>
Tom Liebmann