[NLP2RDF] OLiA bugfixes for penn.owl and stanford.owl

Christian Chiarcos christian.chiarcos at web.de
Wed Nov 30 22:30:20 CET 2011

Dear all,

in the last few days, I have fixed a number of bugs in
http://purl.org/olia/penn.owl, http://purl.org/olia/penn-link.rdf and
http://purl.org/olia/stanford.owl, notably support for punctuation for
PennTreebank-tags, extensions for Stanford Parser v. 1.6.9, and
support for collapsed dependencies (i.e., prep_XY, prepc_XY and
conj_XY with XY being the lemma of a preposition or conjunction).

Note that for the latter, it was necessary to use hasTagStartingWith
instead of hasTag. I'm not sure whether this is supported in the NIF

It might take until the next release until these ontologies are fully
integrated with NIF, but they are already available from


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