[NLP2RDF] Fwd: Merging of the NIF Core Ontology and FISE from Apache Stanbol (and some other news)

Sebastian Hellmann hellmann at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Wed Jul 10 20:07:21 CEST 2013

Am 10.07.2013 16:54, schrieb Rupert Westenthaler:
> Hi Sebastian
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Sebastian Hellmann
> <hellmann at informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
>> 1.
>> fise:extractedFrom should actually be nif:referenceContext if between
>> TextAnnotation and nif:Context and some other property, when between
>> EntityAnnotation and Context/ContentItem.
>> Ideally, we would model this with an OWL property chain. Together with
>> Giuseppe Rizzo and Raphael Troncy, we made a draft here, page 5 section 4.2:
>> http://events.linkeddata.org/ldow2012/papers/ldow2012-paper-02.pdf‎
>> This is a general feature: being able to query annotations on a ContentItem
>> level.
>> The idea in the paper was to have dc:relation and then infer
>> fise:extractedFrom as a shortcut for queries.
>> This would probably be an acceptable solution for Stanbol, or do you require
>> fise:extractedFrom to be materialized in RDF output.
> Yes it is as Stanbol does not expect clients processing enhancement
> results to support any kind of reasoning. All fise:Enhancement
> instances need to define this property to allow users to simple get to
> a list of all enhancements.

Ok, this might be relevant for Stanbol's use case, but not for NLP in 
general. For POS tags in OLiA , NIF will probably just require these 
minimal triples. oliaCategory is already "extra" for convenience.

<char=342,345> a nif:RFC5147String ;
nif:oliaLink penn:NNP ;
nif:oliaCategory olia:Noun ;
nif:oliaCategory olia:ProperNoun .

The amount of further triples deducable by a reasoner, would be far 
greater, e.g.
penn:NNP a olia:Noun, olia:ProperNoun .

This would mean adding 106 classes for Penn, if each tag occurs once.
pellet classify http://olia.nlp2rdf.org/owl/penn-link.rdf
All in all this is quite a heavy commitment for NIF adoption and 
difficult to standardize. What if there was slight misunterstanding and 
"NNP" is actually an adjective? All non-active server projects will 
provide the faulty triples.

As a guideline you could say, for standards "simplicity" drives adoption 
and for tools "convenience" ;)

>> I created an issue here:
>> https://github.com/NLP2RDF/persistence.uni-leipzig.org/issues/3
>> 2. issue is created here:
>> https://github.com/NLP2RDF/persistence.uni-leipzig.org/issues/4
>> It seems to me that we might be able to reuse an existing property, if an
>> entity uri is given. Instead of creating a new property, we can just define
>> one to be reused in the NIF specification:
>> "In case, enity uri is given rdfs:label should/must be used."
>> Is it the case, that you do require so many shortcut properties? Is it to
>> avoid joins in SPARQL queries?
> I agree that those properties are not strictly required. The reason
> for those properties is to make the enhancement results self
> consistent.
> The Stanbol Enhancer provides a RESTful service where the user sends
> some text and receives a RDF graph. The intension is that the returned
> graph contains all the necessary knowledge to process the result.
> Omitting:
> * fise:selected-text: would require the user to extract the anchor
> text from the sent content. If the content was a PDF document this
> could be a very complex task. Hence we include this information in the
> graph

fise:selected-text is more like anchorOf, don't you mean 
fise:selection-context, i.e. similar to nif:isString

> * fise:entity-type: would require the user to obtain the RDF for the
> referenced entity (e.g. making an other http lookup) maybe even to an
> other host. If the server does not support CORS this might not be
> successful within a browser. Hence we include those information in the
> enhancement results. In addition users can configure EntityLinking to
> use a other property as rdf:type as Entity Type. E.g. for Geonames one
> could use the "geonames:featureCode" as type property as values of
> this property do provide a better classification over the types of
> linked Entities.

For the LOD2 Stack it is easy to load DBpedia into the triplestore, so 
you would have all the information you need, presumably in the same 
Actually, we are working on having DBpedia Live for everyone. Any server 
that gives out types not from http://live.dbpedia.org might be 
considered outdated.

Again your use case is legit -> convenient tool vs. simple, versatile 

> * fise:entity-label: principally the same as for fise:entity-type. But
> in this case it also provide the actual label that was matched. For a
> client it could be quite complex to determine the best matching label
> for the "fise:selected-text" especially if the entity has a lot of
> alternate labels, the matching process used some NLP stuff such as
> lemma, stemming, the matching process supports tokens in the wrong
> ordering (e.g. if the label notes "{given-name} {family-name}" but the
> mention uses "{family-name} {given-name}") ...
> So adding those additional triples seams to be a good tradeoff for a
> RESTful service. In usage scenarios where one dose not need those
> information one could simple remove those in an post processing
> engine.

Yes, I agree, most likely, we will include these properties and give a 
best practice, but not make them required.
>> Trade-off is additional triples or additional query patterns (please excuse
>> any syntax errors ):
>> with shortcut
>> Select ?label {
>>      ?s a nif:EntityAnnotation .
>>      ?s  fise:entity-label  ?label .
>> }
>> or alternatively (all three possible):
>> Select ?label {
>>      ?s a nif:EntityAnnotation .
>>      ?s itsrdf:taIdentRef ?entity .
>>      ?entity  rdfs:label  ?label .
>> }
> How would you know that '?entity' uses the rdfs:label property for the
> labels. It might also be foaf:name, skos:prefLabel, schema:name ...

Well, NIF is a standard and there is a validator already. We would 
coordinate this with the BPMLOD (http://www.w3.org/community/bpmlod/) 
and Ontolex (http://www.w3.org/community/ontolex/) W3C groups to reach a 
broad consensus. Then we select *the* property that we want and make it 
mandatory, if others exist.

SPARQL tests: 

Select ?s ?message {
?s itsrdf:taIdentRef ?entity .
?entity ?triggerProperty ?label .
BIND (concat(str(?triggerProperty), " for entity ", str(?s) , " found, 
but not mandatory property our:mandatoryProperty (link to standard) ") 
AS ?message)
FILTER (NOT EXISTS {?s our:mandatoryProperty ?label} ) .
FILTER (?triggerProperty in (foaf:name, rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel, 
schema:name, fise:entity-type ) )

>> or
>> Select ?labels {
>>      ?s a nif:EntityAnnotation .
>>      ?s  dc:relation ?string .
>>      ?string a nif TextAnnotation .
>>      ?string nif:anchorOf ?label .
>> }
> The label of the Entity might be different to the anchor Text. E.g. if
> the Text mentions a person by switching the order of given and family
> name, or if the mention uses the plural form of an Entity.

rdfs:label was just an example. There are some databases (mis) using it:

>> or even very generic, using http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-substr
>> (no extra property needed)
>> Select ?labels {
>>      ?s a nif:EntityAnnotation .
>>      ?s  dc:relation ?string .
>>      ?string a nif:TextAnnotation , nif:RFC5147String  .
>>      ?string nif:beginIndex ?b .
>>      ?string nif:endIndex ?e .
>>      ?string nif:referenceContext  ?contentItem .
>>      ?contentItem nif:isString ?text .
>>      BIND (SUBSTR (?text, ?b, (?e - ?b) ) as ?label ) .
>> }
> This would not work if the sent content was encoded in a rich text format

?? NIF assumes text, so it works on the extracted text and delivers it 
to the client via nif:isString . Maybe I understand the notion of 
contentItem wrong here. It can also be a PDF or an image (OCR) . Is this 
more correct:

a nif:Context ;
nif:isString "My favourite actress is Natalie Portman." ;
# provenance, where did the tool extract the text from?
nif:sourceUrl urn:content-item-5-PDF-representation .

All the best,

> best
> Rupert
>> Thanks for the feedback,
>> Sebastian
>> Am 10.07.2013 12:43, schrieb Rupert Westenthaler:
>>> Hi Sebastian,
>>> Thanks for all your effort Sebastian!
>>> Sorry for my late response, but I am traveling this and the next week.
>>> So I do not have enough time to properly look into this. At least I
>>> had the change to have a look at the mappings [4]. I will try to
>>> provide some initial feedback with this mail.
>>> ### The fise:entity-label
>>> regarding the comment:
>>> # ??? not sure about fise:entity-label
>>> # This should be dbpedia:London rdfs:label "London"@en ;
>>> #
>>> # fise:entity-label
>>> #    a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
>>> #    rdfs:comment "the label(s) of the referenced Entity"@en ;
>>> #    rdfs:domain :EntityAnnotation .
>>> This property is intended to hold the label of the entity that best
>>> matched the mention in the text. It is not always the case that this
>>> will be the rdfs:label. This depends on the ontology used by suggested
>>> Entity. Labels might also come from multiple properties (e.g. in the
>>> case of SKOS where both skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel do hold label
>>> information)
>>> In addition the fise:entity-type and fise:entity-label values are
>>> intended to be used for visualization purposes in cases where the
>>> client does not dereference the linked (fise:entity-reference) entity.
>>> ### None FISE namespace properties
>>> I would also like to mention that the Stanbol Enhancement Structure
>>> also uses some DC Type properties (e.g. fise:EntityAnntoation do use
>>> dot:relation to link to the fise:TextAnnotation) (see [9] for a figure
>>> and [10] for the full documentation). AFAIU those none fise namespace
>>> properties are not included in the current mapping.
>>> best
>>> Rupert
>>> [9]
>>> http://stanbol.apache.org/docs/trunk/components/enhancer/enhancementstructure.png
>>> [10]
>>> http://stanbol.apache.org/docs/trunk/components/enhancer/enhancementstructure.html
>>> On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Sebastian Hellmann
>>> <hellmann at informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
>>>> Good News Everyone!
>>>> Yesterday, I had a more detailed look at the FISE Ontology[1], which is
>>>> supposed to provide an output format for Apache Stanbol [2]. After a
>>>> while I
>>>> found out that they fit together without major problems, so I went ahead
>>>> and
>>>> created a merging proposal! The NIF Core Ontology [3] is now dually
>>>> licensed
>>>> under CC-By 3.0 and Apache 2.0 to ease integration.
>>>> The NIF inf model ([4], line 92) documents the mapping from NIF-Core to
>>>> Fise.  One minor problem is that FISE uses xsd:int and not
>>>> xsd:nonNegativeInteger for indices.
>>>> The mapping is complete except for the (probably unnecessary)
>>>> fise:entity-label.
>>>> (cross posting to Stanbol and NLP2RDF list)
>>>> Due to this merger, the creation of a release candidate for NIF 2.0 is
>>>> coming along quite well now. The seven properties/classes (Context,
>>>> String,
>>>> isString, RFC5147String, endIndex, beginIndex, referenceContext) at the
>>>> core
>>>> are already stable.
>>>> We included a lot of people in the attribution section[5] as well, but
>>>> the
>>>> list is not yet exhaustive.  Also there is a NIF validator software and
>>>> a
>>>> logging ontology.
>>>> The Validator uses SPARQL 1.1 to produce log output adhering to the
>>>> logging
>>>> ontology.
>>>> * Jar for CLI (no webservice yet) [6]
>>>> * Readme [7]
>>>> * The SPARQL queries [8]
>>>> Please feel free to:
>>>> * download the validator and test it on your NIF implementation to see
>>>> what
>>>> changed
>>>> * check if we spelled your name correctly ;) in the attribution section
>>>> [5].
>>>> * Please also tell us whether we should add your logo in the
>>>> maintainer/supporter section
>>>> * check and extend the ontology and write some additional SPARQL
>>>> queries[8]
>>>> Since we moved to GitHub now, we are also eager to give out push
>>>> permissions....
>>>> All the best,
>>>> Sebastian
>>>> [1] http://fise.iks-project.eu/ontology/
>>>> [2] http://stanbol.apache.org/
>>>> [3]
>>>> https://github.com/NLP2RDF/persistence.uni-leipzig.org/blob/master/ontologies/nif-core/version-1.0/nif-core.ttl
>>>> [4]
>>>> https://github.com/NLP2RDF/persistence.uni-leipzig.org/blob/master/ontologies/nif-core/version-1.0/nif-core-inf.ttl#L92
>>>> [5] http://persistence.uni-leipzig.org/nlp2rdf/#attribution
>>>> [6] https://github.com/NLP2RDF/java-maven/raw/master/validate.jar
>>>> [7]
>>>> https://github.com/NLP2RDF/java-maven/blob/master/README.md#nif-validator
>>>> [8]
>>>> https://github.com/NLP2RDF/java-maven/tree/master/core/jena/src/main/resources/sparqltest
>>>> --
>>>> On holidays from 11. July until 3. August
>>>> Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
>>>> Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
>>>> Events:
>>>> * NLP & DBpedia 2013 (http://nlp-dbpedia2013.blogs.aksw.org, Extended
>>>> Deadline: *July 18th*)
>>>> * LSWT 23/24 Sept, 2013 in Leipzig (http://aksw.org/lswt)
>>>> Venha para a Alemanha como PhD: http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/csf
>>>> Projects: http://nlp2rdf.org , http://linguistics.okfn.org ,
>>>> http://dbpedia.org/Wiktionary , http://dbpedia.org
>>>> Homepage: http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/SebastianHellmann
>>>> Research Group: http://aksw.org
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> NLP2RDF mailing list
>>>> NLP2RDF at lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de
>>>> http://lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/mailman/listinfo/nlp2rdf
>> --
>> On holidays from 11. July until 3. August
>> Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
>> Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
>> Events:
>> * NLP & DBpedia 2013 (http://nlp-dbpedia2013.blogs.aksw.org, Extended
>> Deadline: *July 18th*)
>> * LSWT 23/24 Sept, 2013 in Leipzig (http://aksw.org/lswt)
>> Venha para a Alemanha como PhD: http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/csf
>> Projects: http://nlp2rdf.org , http://linguistics.okfn.org ,
>> http://dbpedia.org/Wiktionary , http://dbpedia.org
>> Homepage: http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/SebastianHellmann
>> Research Group: http://aksw.org
> --
> | Rupert Westenthaler             rupert.westenthaler at gmail.com
> | Bodenlehenstraße 11                             ++43-699-11108907
> | A-5500 Bischofshofen
> --
> | Rupert Westenthaler             rupert.westenthaler at gmail.com
> | Bodenlehenstraße 11                             ++43-699-11108907
> | A-5500 Bischofshofen
> _______________________________________________
> NLP2RDF mailing list
> NLP2RDF at lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de
> http://lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/mailman/listinfo/nlp2rdf

On holidays from 11. July until 3. August
Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
* NLP & DBpedia 2013 (http://nlp-dbpedia2013.blogs.aksw.org, Extended 
Deadline: *July 18th*)
* LSWT 23/24 Sept, 2013 in Leipzig (http://aksw.org/lswt)
Venha para a Alemanha como PhD: http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/csf
Projects: http://nlp2rdf.org , http://linguistics.okfn.org , 
http://dbpedia.org/Wiktionary , http://dbpedia.org
Homepage: http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/SebastianHellmann
Research Group: http://aksw.org

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