[NLP2RDF] Announcing pynif, a Python library to parse NIF files

Antonin Delpeuch (lists) lists at antonin.delpeuch.eu
Thu Jun 6 20:48:42 CEST 2019

Hi all,

It has been around for a while, but I have not announced it yet: there
is now a Python library to deal with the NIF format for Named Entity

You can find it at https://pypi.org/project/pynif/
And the repository is here: https://github.com/wetneb/pynif

It is loosely based on the unmaintained
https://github.com/NLP2RDF/pyNIF-lib, which had many issues.

Contributions are most welcome and I would be happy to move the project
to any other organization where it can be durably maintained.


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