[NLP2RDF] NIF Dashboard is down

Sebastian Hellmann hellmann at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Fri Aug 28 14:10:55 CEST 2020

Hi Antonin,

On 23.08.20 11:45, Antonin Delpeuch (lists) wrote:
> I see! I have had a look, but it is not clear to me how to set up such a
> collection in the Databus: I cannot even figure out how to upload a
> single dataset in fact!

yes, this is intentional. It is still more for friends and family. We 
will do a refactoring step that changes some uploading interfaces and 
this switch gets more difficult the more users we have, so we keep the 
uploading part low profile. The downloading part works well, see below.

For uploading, you basically need an own fileserver with webdav access. 
Since this is NIF, I could give you access to our group's file server. 
The you would need to follow the old instructions which are outdated and 
complex, but some people managed to succeed. See the readme of this repo 
https://github.com/dbpedia/databus-maven-plugin/tree/master (you can 
also switch to dev-2.0 where instructions are rewritten at the moment: 

If you would like to collect all NIF datasets, that you find and upload 
them, we can help you with it by answering questions.

> Also, do you think it would be possible to still have the dashboard at
> the same address, potentially powered by the Databus behind the scenes?
> I have no idea if it is doable at all.

This works very well already:

Option 1: You maintain a sparql query that feeds the dashboard. 
Currently, we extract the NIF DBpedia extraction containing full text of 
all wikipedia articles of all languages. You can see them here: 

The query can be maintained by a collection. I created one here 

If you have an account you can use the GUI to create collections. These 
are de-facto individual DCAT catalogues with stable IDs.

Option 2 (not implemented yet): we are doing VOID for all datasets on 
the bus, so there you could query for all data that uses NIF and feed 
the metadata into the dashboard.

-- Sebastian

> Best,
> Antonin
> On 23/08/2020 08:41, Sebastian Hellmann wrote:
>> Hi Antonin,
>> the dashboard was a a first try to develop something like
>> http://databus.dbpedia.org . Basically, people could host their NIF
>> datasets somewhere and then add Dataid/DCAT metadata, so it is
>> retrievable via the dashboard.
>> We just need to put all the NIF datasets on the Databus and create a
>> collection. This should replace the dashboard. I haven't had the time to
>> do it, but if you would like to give it a try...
>> There is also a VOID mod (like a Databus add-on) under development,
>> which generates a VOID file for all RDF files on the bus. This should
>> help to identify more NIF stuff in the future.
>> -- Sebastian
>> On 15.08.20 10:33, Antonin Delpeuch (lists) wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> The NIF dashboard is currently down:
>>> http://dashboard.nlp2rdf.aksw.org/
>>> It would be great to have it back up! :)
>>> It used to host links to NIF-encoded versions of datasets, among others:
>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20190913203545/http://dashboard.nlp2rdf.aksw.org/
>>> Best,
>>> Antonin
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