[NLP2RDF] Current status of NIF

Christian Chiarcos christian.chiarcos at web.de
Sat Jan 18 06:29:33 CET 2020

Dear all,

NIF remains to be a relatively popular formalism in web applications, at
the same time, it's development seems to have slowed down significantly in
the last few years. So, is there any active development of NIF going on at
this time?

In particular, it is my impression that NIF 2.1 documentation is not
available anywhere in a consolidated form, there is a fragment on
provenance extensions under https://nif.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ (=
https://github.com/NLP2RDF/documentation?), whereas the remaining
documentation (https://persistence.uni-leipzig.org/nlp2rdf/) still refers
to NIF 2.0 (= https://github.com/NLP2RDF/specification).

The reason I am asking is two-fold. On the one hand, I am curious about
current and upcoming plans to extend or improve NIF, on the other hand, I
am interested in exploring a prospective harmonization between NIF and
WebAnnotation -- and if there would be any recent work towards a "NIF 3.0",
that should be a coordinated effort.

Best regards,
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