[NLP2RDF] DBpedia Day @ SEMANTiCS on Sept 9

DBpedia pr-aksw at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Wed Aug 11 10:22:08 CEST 2021

Dear all,

We are happy to announce that we will organize a DBpedia Meeting in 
Amsterdam, Netherlands. The DBpedia Day is part of the SEMANTiCS, Sep 
6-9, and will be held on the last day of the conference on 9th of 
September 2021.

  # Highlights

- Keynote presentation by Maria-Esther Vidal (TIB & L3S Research Center)

- DBpedia Databus presentation by Sebastian Hellmann (InfAI, DBpedia 

- DBpedia Members presentations

- DBpedia Ontology session

- NLP & DBpedia session

- Dutch DBpedia session (Presentation of the Dutch National Knowledge Graph)

# Quick Facts

- Web URL: https://www.dbpedia.org/events/dbpedia-day-semantics-2021/ 

- When: September 9, 2021

- Where: Theater de Meervaart, Meer en Vaart 300, 1068 LE Amsterdam AND 
Online (The DBpedia Day will proceed as a hybrid event.)

# Schedule

- Please check the schedule for the upcoming DBpedia Day here 

# Tickets

- Please register on the SEMANTiCS website to be part of the meeting. 
You need to buy a ticket to join the DBpedia Day. Check more details 
here https://2021-eu.semantics.cc/prices 

# Organisation

- Enno Meijers, National Library of the Netherlands & Dutch DBpedia

- Julia Holze, InfAI, DBpedia Association

- Milan Dojchinovski, InfAI, DBpedia Association, CTU

- Sebastian Hellmann, InfAI, DBpedia Association

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Kind regards,


on behalf of the DBpedia Association

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