[NLP2RDF] [CfP] 1st CfP: SEMANTiCS 2024 EU || Sep 17 - 19, 2024 || Amsterdam, The Netherlands

SEMANTiCS pr-aksw at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Tue Jan 30 19:26:41 CET 2024


SEMANTiCS - 20th International Conference on Semantic Systems

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

September 17 - 19, 2024



The Research and Innovation track at SEMANTiCS 2024 welcomes papers on 
novel scientific research and innovations relevant to the Semantic Web, 
Semantic Technologies, and semantic-enabled AI. We also welcome 
submissions at the intersection between this field and other scientific 
disciplines. Submissions should be original and should not have been 
published elsewhere in any form or language. Papers must adhere to the 
instructions given in the submission guidelines, including references 
and optional appendices. Each submission will receive at least three 
independent reviews and will be evaluated based on their novelty, 
technical quality, reproducibility, and practical significance.

SEMANTiCS 2024 calls for submissions of excellent quality addressing the 
following topics in the Semantic Web area, from both theoretical and 
practical perspectives.

= Topics of Interest =

* Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Web Semantics & Linked (Open) Data

* Enterprise Knowledge Graphs, Graph Data Management

* Machine Learning Techniques for/using Knowledge Graphs (e.g. 
reinforcement learning, deep learning, data mining and knowledge discovery)

* Interplay between generative AI and Knowledge Graphs (e.g., RAG approach)

* Knowledge Management (e.g.  acquisition, capture, extraction, 
authoring, integration, publication)

* Terminology, Thesaurus & Ontology Management, Ontology engineering

* Reasoning, Rules, and Policies

* Natural Language Processing for/using Knowledge Graphs (e.g. entity 
linking and resolution using target knowledge such as Wikidata and 
DBpedia, foundation models)

* Crowdsourcing  for/using Knowledge Graphs

* Data Quality Management and Assurance

* Mathematical Foundation of Knowledge-aware AI

* Multimodal Knowledge Graphs

* Semantics in Data Science

* Semantics in Blockchain environments

* Trust, Data Privacy, and Security with Semantic Technologies

* IoT, Stream Processing, dealing with temporal data

* Conversational AI and Dialogue Systems

* Provenance and Data Change Tracking

* Semantic Interoperability (via mapping, crosswalks, standards, etc.)

* Linked Data storage, triple stores, graph databases

* Robust and scalable management, querying and analysis of semantics and 

* User interfaces for the Semantic Web & its management

* Explainable and Interoperable AI

* Decentralised and Federated Knowledge Graphs (e.g., Federated 
querying, link traversal)

Application of Semantically-Enriched and AI-Based Approaches, such as, 
but not limited to:

* Knowledge Graphs in Bioinformatics, Medical AI and preventive healthcare

* Clinical Use Case of semantic-enabled AI-based Approaches

* AI for Environmental Challenges

* Semantics in Scholarly Communication and Scientific Knowledge Graphs

* AI and LOD within GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) 

* Knowledge Graphs & hybrid AI for predictive maintenance and Industry 

* Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage

* LegalTech, AI Safety, EU AI Act

* Economics of Data, Data Services, and Data Ecosystems

= Important Dates =

* Abstract Submission Deadline:       April 22, 2024 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time)

* Paper Submission Deadline: April 29, 2024 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time)

* Notification of Acceptance: June 11, 2024 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time)

* Camera-Ready Paper: July 09, 2024 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time)

Submissions will be through Easychair. Stay tuned for the submission link.

= Author Guidelines and Submission =

* The Research and Innovation Track welcomes long and short papers. Long 
papers should have 12-15 pages of content (excluding references) and 
short papers of a maximum length of 6 pages of content (excluding 
references). Since references are excluded from page counting, it is 
fine to have one or more additional pages for references if they are 
relevant to the study submitted.

* Submissions should follow the guidelines of IOS Press. Details are 
available at https://www.iospress.com/book-article-instructions.

* Abstract submission for all papers is a strict requirement. To 
facilitate bidding, we strongly suggest the authors submit structured 

* All papers and abstracts have to be submitted electronically via 

* Submissions must be in English.

* Submissions must adhere to the fair use of Large Language Models. 
Please refer to the SEMANTiCS full policy for more 

* Submissions must be anonymous; the reviewing process is double-blind, 
but reviewers will be able to disclose their identities if they wish, by 
signing their reviews.

* Accepted papers will be published in open access proceedings by IOS 
Press, and the text of all the reviews (excluding the scores) of all the 
accepted papers will be posted on the conference website and will be 
archived on Zenodo as publicly available material.

* At least one author of each accepted paper must present it in person 
and therefore register for the conference at the ONSITE rate.

* All authors are strongly suggested to provide optional links to code, 
materials, and datasets during the submission process - we will have 
specific optional fields in the EasyChair submission form - the review 
process will take these into account when provided. To anonymise 
resources for the reviewing process, authors can use services like 
Anonymous GitHub https://anonymous.4open.science/ or figshare/Zenodo as 
described here.

* The Research and Innovation Track will not accept papers that, at the 
time of submission, are under review or have already been published in 
or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference.

* All authors will have the opportunity to provide an ORKG comparison in 
the Open Research Knowledge Graph (https://orkg.org) during the 
submission process - we will have a specific optional field in the 
EasyChair submission form.

= Review and Evaluation Criteria =

  Each submission will be reviewed by at least three Programme Committee 
members. The reviewing process is double-blind. However, reviewers can 
disclose their identity by signing their reviews and/or adding one of 
their persistent identifiers (e.g. their ORCID).

The text of all the reviews (excluding the scores) of all the accepted 
papers will be posted on the conference website with the basic 
bibliographic metadata of the reviewed submission (i.e. title and 
authors), and it will be archived on Zenodo as publicly available 
material. All the signed reviews of the accepted papers will be licensed 
using a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY, the copyright 
holder will be the reviewer), except the anonymous ones that will be 
released in CC0.

Papers submitted to this track will be evaluated according to the 
following criteria:

* Appropriateness

* Originality, novelty, and innovativeness

* Impact of results

* Technical quality of the methods

* Soundness of the evaluation

* Proper comparison to related work

* Clarity and quality of writing

* Reproducibility of results and resources

For details please go to: https://2024-eu.semantics.cc/ 

We are looking forward to your contribution!

Mehwish Alam, Femke Ongenae & Angelo Salatino

Research and Innovation Track Chairs
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