[obml] FW: Postdoc in bioinformatics at Dresden

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Di Apr 11 08:01:32 CEST 2017

On 10/04/2017, 1:40 AM, "Bioinf1517 on behalf of Michael Schroeder" 
<bioinf1517-bounces at lists.biotec.tu-dresden.de 
<mailto:bioinf1517-bounces at lists.biotec.tu-dresden.de> on behalf of 
michael.schroeder at tu-dresden.de 
<mailto:michael.schroeder at tu-dresden.de>> wrote:

I'd be grateful if you could pass this on to anyone interested.


The Schroeder group at TU Dresden
has an opening for a PostDoc in bioinformatics.
We are working on drug repositioning and biomarker discovery
using structural and sequence data. If you are into AI,
machine learning, and big data and like to mine the genomes'
of cancer patients, structures of drug targets, phenotypic
data of antibiotic resistance screens, then please send your
CV by 24 April.

For details see: 

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