[obml] FW: [ontolog-forum] FYI: From decision to action: Detailed modelling of frog tadpoles...

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Mo Feb 7 13:28:40 CET 2022

------ Forwarded Message ------
From:    alex shkotin <alex.shkotin at gmail.com>
Sent:    2022.02.07 10:40 +0100
To:      ontolog-forum <ontolog-forum at googlegroups.com>
Subject: [ontolog-forum] FYI:From decision to action: Detailed modelling 
of frog tadpoles...


This very special and detailed article may be of interest as it 
describes digital modeling of an entire organism including its neurons 
to get proper behavior.


"The new CNS modelis a network of 2,308 spiking, Hodgkin-Huxley type 
neurons of 12 different types (Fig 1c–1f 
This model can generate a complete sequence of swimming behaviour 
initiated and stopped by skin sensory inputs (Fig 2 
which is very similar to real tadpole behaviour in response to natural 


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