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(Please redistribute this announcement to colleagues and friends,
and apologies if you receive it multiple times.) <br>
You are kindly invited to the Baltic Sea, for the <br>
<b class="moz-txt-star"><span class="moz-txt-tag">*</span>RoSyBA:
Rostock Symposium on Systems Biology and Bioinformatics in Ageing
Research<span class="moz-txt-tag">*<br>
Friday - Saturday 20th-21st September 2013 (Rostock/Warnemünde,
Germany) <br>
(A Sunday brunch is planned for 22nd September 2013.) <br>
Confirmed speakers (Ontologies and Ageing Research): <br>
Udo Hahn (Jena) <br>
Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann (Zurich) <br>
Paul Schofield (Cambridge / Bar Harbor) <br>
Barry Smith (Buffalo) <br>
Confirmed speakers (Other Topics): <br>
Niels Grabe (Heidelberg) <br>
Aubrey de Grey (Cambridge) <br>
Andreas Höflich (Dummerstorf) <br>
Hans Kestler (Ulm) <br>
Joao Pedro de Magalhaes (Liverpool) <br>
Andreas Simm (Halle) <br>
Jürgen Sühnel (Jena) <br>
Wolfgang Wagner (Aachen) <br>
Web: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
Early Registration: until July 10, 2013 – Save up to 100% <br>
Call for Contributions: ** deadline June 10, 2013 ** <br>
Just send an abstract to <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
and expect a response <br>
approx. two weeks after the deadline. If you wish to present a
poster, please inquire. <br>
Many thanks and greetings, <br>
Georg Fuellen, Ludger Jansen and Julio Vera <br>
========== <br>
Prof. Dr. Georg Fuellen <br>
Institute for Biostatistics and Informatics in Medicine and Ageing
Research -- IBIMA <br>
Rostock Medical School <br>
Ernst-Heydemann-Str. 8 <br>
18057 Rostock, Germany <br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
PD Dr. Ludger Jansen
Institut für Philosophie
Universität Rostock
18051 Rostock</pre>