[OpenWalnut-Dev] WMatrix4x4

Sebastian Eichelbaum eichelbaum at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Wed Jan 19 16:09:46 CET 2011

Hello everyone

I have pushed some code which contains a file WMatrix4x4. This is intended as place-holder for the new matrix stuff which might come some day. It is a typedef to osg::Matrixd. So do not be annoyed. It is needed for WPropMatrix4X4 and will be replaced by some nice matrix stuff (André currently investigates several options) -> we definitely need some better implementation than our WMatrix.


Dipl.-Inf. Sebastian Eichelbaum
Universität Leipzig
Institut für Informatik
Abteilung Bild- und Signalverarbeitung
PF 100920
D-04009 Leipzig

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