[OpenWalnut-Dev] [Minutes of OpenWalnut-Meeting] 2011-07-13

Alexander Wiebel wiebel at zib.de
Fri Jul 15 22:00:23 CEST 2011


- Sebastian Eichelbaum
- Mathias Goldau
- Andre Reichenbach
- Alexander Wiebel


-- We plan to create an online Help-window (HTML) for each (supported) 
module. It will be directly accessible from inside the modules parameter 
-- We plan to divide all available modules into "supported" and 
"experimental" modules (the nomenclature is still preliminary). 
Supported modules will have to fulfill several requirements:
         - The module has to have a help window (see above)
         - The name and the names of its parameters have to adhere to 
the guidelines
         - The module will have to pass a certain test routine 
(instantiation, deletion, check if graphics are removed after deletion ...)
         - ....
     - The experimental modules will be separately downloadable
     - Experimental modules will be found in a less prominent part of OW 
(e.g.e separate submenu)
-- The above led to indeas on a better menu structure for the modules 
(still keeping the toolbar of compatible modules). Some thoughts on the 
new structure are listed in the following:
     - Tags (strings) for categories
     - Frequently used tags may lead to grouping modules in submenus 
with the tag as name
         - or some different grouping logic
     - "5 Popular Modules" on top of menu (learning/automatically 
adapting menu structure)
-- One idea to deal with externals is to provide them as tar archives 
which can be extracted in the ext directory. OW can easily find them 
there for compilation. This can avoid problems with different licenses.
-- Line endings: Alex will have a look into the line endings 
functionality HG provides. Special questions are:
     - What happens with binary files
     - What if we want special line endings for special testing files 
(e.g. fixtures)?
     - Remember the newly introduced HG scripts
-- We will try to document all return types soon. We will deactivate 
Doxygen warnings concerning returns until this is done. Everyone working 
on this can reactivate them locally.
-- Warnings like "unused variable" in someone else's code are free to be 
fixed by other developers after one day.

Did I forget something?

Cheers Alex

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