[OpenWalnut-Dev] protocol of today's meeting

Andre Reichenbach reichenbach at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Mon Jan 9 16:00:44 CET 2012

Hi List,

at today's meeting, we discussed the following points:

1) We will move modules that do not constitute basic functionality to 
one ore more separate repositories. Base modules will be reviewed and 
documentation will be added where necessary. Due Feb. 28th.

2) In order to provide a basic batch processing in OpenWalnut, we will 
provide a batch loading module and a barrier module. Completion of a 
pipeline may be signaled to the batch loading module via a special 
WTransferable. The barrier module only updates its outputs if all inputs 
have been updated; this provides a synchronization mechanism. More 
complex module pipelines might still need compound modules.

3) Currently, modules having one or more 'optional' but zero 'required' 
inputs cannot be added without connecting them to a module at the same 
time. This will be resolved by adding another context menu entry that 
allows adding any module without connecting to anything.

4) For the time being, Visual Studio support will be suspended. We 
currently lack the time and manpower to provide full Visual Studio support.

5) At the moment only modules can be loaded from shared libraries. We 
will allow other things to be loaded from them, for example postprocessors.

Happy new year!


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