[OpenWalnut-Dev] Write file reader for WDataSetScalar

Frank Zisko frank.zisko at gmx.net
Mon May 14 21:36:12 CEST 2012


I changed the read mode. But ... I'm still confused.

I looked at file in imagej. It looks a super little bit better, but it's
still wrong.

Here some data sets in a shared dropbox folder:
( see in comments what changes makes the datasets )

I'm not shure if the mode of reading the volume is the only one error I
do. I can'T display the HistogrammView for any data set. 


#include ...
boost::shared_ptr< WDataSet > WReaderMy::read()
     m_ifs = boost::shared_ptr< std::ifstream >( new std::ifstream() );
     m_ifs->open( m_fname.c_str(), std::ifstream::in |
std::ifstream::binary );
     wlog::info( "WReaderMy" ) << "Read array ...";
     // My Data Array.
     int voxelCount = dimX * dimY * dimZ;
     int tensorDim = 1; // Scalar values.
     int order = 0; // ?
     boost::shared_ptr< std::vector< int > > myData =   
boost::shared_ptr< std::vector< int > >( new std::vector< int >(  
voxelCount ) );

// #########################
// HERE is the critical code (, I think).
// #########################
    int tmp = 0;
    int index = 0;
    for( int x = 0; x < dimX; x++)
        for(int y = 0; y < dimY; y++)
            for(int z = 0; z < dimZ; z++)
                m_ifs->read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(&tmp),1 );
                //index = x*dimY*dimZ + y*dimZ + z; // output_01
                //index = (voxelCount-1) - (x*dimY*dimZ + y*dimZ +
z); // output_02 reversed output_01
                index = (dimX-1-x) + y*(dimX-1) +
z*(dimX-1)*(dimY-1); // output_03
                (*vmrData)[index] = tmp;
 // #########################
     wlog::info( "WReaderMy" ) << "Read array ... Done.";

     boost::shared_ptr< WValueSetBase > myValueSet; // For creatiung  
DataSetScalar ( WValueSetBase, WGrid).
     myValueSet = boost::shared_ptr< WValueSetBase >( new WValueSet<  
int >( order, tensorDim, myData) );

     boost::shared_ptr< WGrid > myGrid;
     myGrid = boost::shared_ptr< WGridRegular3D >( new WGridRegular3D(
dimX, dimY, dimZ, WGridTransformOrtho( getStandardTransform() ) ) );
     boost::shared_ptr< WDataSet > myDataSet;
     wlog::debug( "WReaderMy" ) << "Load as WDataSetScalar";
     myDataSet = boost::shared_ptr< WDataSet >( new WDataSetScalar(  
myValueSet, myGrid ) );
     myDataSet->setFilename( m_fname );
     return myDataSet;

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