[OpenWalnut] ROI example with dataset

Christof Pieloth pieloth at labp.htwk-leipzig.de
Wed Jun 11 11:45:49 CEST 2014

Hello OpenWalnut users,

a student in our Lab have to work with regions of interest, and maybe
have to develop a ROI or change our data to use the ROIs.

For understanding and further investigations we are looking for an
example/use case how to use the ROIs, i.e. which modules/module chain
are using it and a dataset to test it by our own.
If someone can help us, we would be very happy :)

Best regards,

Christof Pieloth, M.Sc.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

HTWK Leipzig, University of Applied Sciences
Laboratory for Biosignal Processing (LaBP)
Eilenburger Str. 13
04317 Leipzig

tel:  +49 (0) 341 3076 3133
fax:  +49 (0) 341 3076 853133
email: pieloth 'at' labp.htwk-leipzig.de
web: www.labp.htwk-leipzig.de

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