[Qrowd] PM distribution: first proposal

Elena Simperl e.simperl at soton.ac.uk
Di Apr 1 16:17:21 CEST 2014

...attached. It is only my personal view based on the current version of 
the work plan and other budget management best practices I've learned 
over the year.

Assumes an average PM at 7.5k, does not include third parties.

We can discuss it on Friday or you can share your thoughts upfront.

Dr. Elena Simperl
Senior Lecturer
Web and Internet Science Group
Electronics & Computer Science
University of Southampton
email: E.Simperl at soton.ac.uk
twitter: https://twitter.com/esimperl
telefone: +44 2380 59 7692
mobile: +44 7900 666705

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Dateiname   : budget_outline_PMs.ods
Dateityp    : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
Dateigröße  : 4614 bytes
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URL         : <http://lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/pipermail/qrowd/attachments/20140401/50b67cfe/attachment.ods>

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