[Qrowd] 1.4 Ambition reworked

Martin Kaltenböck m.kaltenboeck at semantic-web.at
Do Apr 17 11:02:07 CEST 2014

Dear all

I have reworked and expanded (by REEEP & SWC infos) the section 1.4.

The most important thing there is to receive some input from Unister please
- see last rows in the given table
to finalise this section - please investigate and let us know - many thanks
& regards - martin

Martin Kaltenböck, CMC
Managing Partner, CFO

Semantic Web Company (SWC)
Mariahilfer Strasse 70 / 8
A - 1070 Vienna, Austria
Tel +43 1 402 12 35 - 25
Fax +43 1 402 12 35 - 22
Mobile +43 650 3905697


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