[Qrowd] [QROWD] Unister Sec and Sec. 2.2.a.4.iii

Andreas Both andreas.both at unister.de
Do Apr 17 16:12:57 CEST 2014

Hi Elena,

1. yellow part:

Unister's B2C services are located in many countries and available for
many languages. However, the data quantity as well as quality are on
quiet different levels. This is caused by the maturity of the data
sources available in the specific country or for the needed language.
However, considering the multi-lingual representation of the Web of Data
the user should take advantage regardless of the language where the
information was published originally if the quality can be ensured.
While achiving this for Unister's B2C web portals the applications in
some countries will increase the level of information up to 200% by
applying information crossborder. It is expected that the user's dwell
time can be increased by more than 100% just because of this
improvement. Almout all B2B services in the e-commerce market are
currently very narrowed to a reduced set of properties related to the
offered products (e.g., for hotels mostly just the prices, the
facilities and meal contraints are provided). The QROWD components allow
to enrich the considered entities by high quality information.
Additionally the information can be provided in a multilingual way.
Together this will lead to an increased reusability and finally to an
expected turnover increase by 500%. Moreover, this prepares the ground
for for startups all over europe that could take advantage by the
provided APIs and build their own business on top.

2. yellow part:

Unister's Business case provides a strong focus on multilingual and
crossborder aspects of the e-commerce. Although Unister is very active
in the German market B2B and B2C services are provided in more than TODO
countries and TODO languages. Most of them are located in the western
world with the majority of the activities being located within europe.
However, even some asian and american markets are addressed. Hence,
QROWD will lay the ground for more efficient and effective services in
these market.

The precise number for the TODOs will be provided if I have them collected.

Is this sufficient for you?


Am 17.04.2014 13:56, schrieb Elena Simperl:
> Recht hast Du. Bitte schoen. Siehe gelbe Markierungen.
> On 17-Apr-14 12:44 PM, Andreas Both wrote:
>> Am 17.04.2014 12:59, schrieb Elena Simperl:
>>> Thanks. I am working on Section 1.2 now. I will send it to you
>>> because I need some sentences from you there as well (sorry to be a
>>> pain).
>> I am happy if I can help (just not seen such an email atm).
>> Regards,
>> Andreas
>>> On 17-Apr-14 10:57 AM, Andreas Both wrote:
>>>> Hi Elena,
>>>> I made the the demanded sections available at Google Docs:
>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1unqRZNf4Tz-AfW1CLPrFzSJyvsaLupqjNEwfKlwgonY/edit
>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/13vScqycdA61lokw8CyODy-f5uGtdxVplaTsq2t8f4cs/edit
>>>> You can comment right there. Let me know if you have some notes.
>>>> I currently still searching for some visualisations but had no luck
>>>> with that up to know. I suggest to keep one third of a page open
>>>> for that.
>>>> Please do not hesitate to request more information.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Andreas
>>>> -- 
>>>> Dr. Andreas Both
>>>> Head of Research and Development
>>>> Unister GmbH
>>>> Barfußgaesschen 11 | 04109 Leipzig | Germany
>>>> Phone: +49 (0)341 65050 24496
>>>> eMail: andreas.both at unister-gmbh.de
>>>> web: http://www.unister.de
>>>> Vertretungsberechtigter Geschäftsführer: Andreas Prokop
>>>> Amtsgericht Leipzig, HRB: 19056
>>> -- 
>>> Dr. Elena Simperl
>>> Senior Lecturer
>>> Web and Internet Science Group
>>> Electronics & Computer Science
>>> University of Southampton
>>> email: E.Simperl at soton.ac.uk 
>>> twitter: https://twitter.com/esimperl
>>> telefone: +44 2380 59 7692
>>> mobile: +44 7900 666705
>> -- 
>> Dr. Andreas Both
>> Head of Research and Development
>> Unister GmbH
>> Barfußgaesschen 11 | 04109 Leipzig | Germany
>> Phone: +49 (0)341 65050 24496
>> eMail: andreas.both at unister-gmbh.de
>> web: http://www.unister.de
>> Vertretungsberechtigter Geschäftsführer: Andreas Prokop
>> Amtsgericht Leipzig, HRB: 19056
> -- 
> Dr. Elena Simperl
> Senior Lecturer
> Web and Internet Science Group
> Electronics & Computer Science
> University of Southampton
> email: E.Simperl at soton.ac.uk 
> twitter: https://twitter.com/esimperl
> telefone: +44 2380 59 7692
> mobile: +44 7900 666705


Dr. Andreas Both
Head of Research and Development

Unister GmbH
Barfußgaesschen 11 | 04109 Leipzig | Germany

Phone: +49 (0)341 65050 24496
eMail: andreas.both at unister-gmbh.de
web: http://www.unister.de

Vertretungsberechtigter Geschäftsführer: Andreas Prokop
Amtsgericht Leipzig, HRB: 19056

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