[Qrowd] Partner profiles

Quinn Ferguson quinn.ferguson at reeep.org
Mi Apr 23 09:21:11 CEST 2014

Dear Jens et al,

Thank you for this feedback.   REEEP's partner profile did include these
sections so I have not made many edits other than titling the sections to
include "5 Relevant...".  I have also added a line about my role on the
project as Florian's written.

If REEEP's partner profile could please be copied from the attached and
over-written to the current master version of our proposal that would be
much appreciated and all that is required to synchronize.

Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: qrowd-bounces at lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de
[mailto:qrowd-bounces at lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de] On Behalf Of Jens
Sent: Dienstag, 22. April 2014 18:32
To: Qrowd at lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Subject: [Qrowd] Partner profiles


I have updated the InfAI partner profile at

A few things to take care of:
- each key person needs to be marked as male "M" or female "F" behind his
- all partners need to explain their role in the project
- a list of up to 5 relevant publications, and/or products, services
- a list of up to 5 relevant previous projects or activities
- infrastructure or technical equipment which can be contributed

I think all partners should update their partner profile based on this
such that Elena & Markus can create a nicely consolidated uniform version
of the partner descriptions, which convinces the reviewers that we have
the tools & experience for QROWD on board.

Current integrated version:

Kind regards,


Dr. Jens Lehmann
AKSW Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
Homepage: http://www.jens-lehmann.org
GPG Key: http://jens-lehmann.org/jens_lehmann.asc
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Qrowd at lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de
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