[Qrowd] hardware infrastructure

Jens Lehmann lehmann at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Mi Apr 8 10:51:23 CEST 2015


I just made further checks on the proposal and one area which is not 
fully convincing yet is the hardware infrastructure. Since we want to 
run things at scale, it is clear that we need appropriate servers to do 
so. There are mainly two ways to achieve that: a) by declaring hardware 
costs or cloud usage costs in the budget or b) by declaring that 
existing infrastructure is contributed in the partner descriptions. At 
the moment, this is only partially done by some partners, so each 
partner should check whether he has the hardware (and also has this 
written down explicitly via a) or b)) to run the proposed experiments 
and edit the partner profiles (now in Word) accordingly or let us know 
of budget changes. Note that we can only swap hardware for PMs at this 
stage as we are very close to 4 mio Euro (3.99).

That issue is particularly important for the platform work package: It 
would be easiest if we can say that ENG (or Ontos?) is contributing 
large-scale infrastructure facilities (possibly with restrictions e.g. 
only for the runtime of the project, up to x million computing hours 
etc.) to the consortium. Otherwise, we would probably have to swap 
personal costs to hardware infrastructure / cloud costs for large-scale 
platform deployment and experiments. What are your thoughts on this?

(I'm bringing this up as it makes the planning more convincing and it is 
something which reviewers can easily use to downgrade/filter proposals.)

Kind regards,


Dr. Jens Lehmann
AKSW Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
Homepage: http://www.jens-lehmann.org
GPG Key: http://jens-lehmann.org/jens_lehmann.asc

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