[Forschungsseminar-BSV] Forschungsseminar Computergrafik, Bildverarbeitung und Visualisierung

Vanessa Kretzschmar kretzschmar at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Fr Jul 1 09:17:29 CEST 2022

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zum Forschungsseminar 'Computergrafik, Bildverarbeitung und Visualisierung'

    am Mittwoch, den 6. Juli 2022, 14:00 Uhr,
    im Raum P-701 im Paulinum am Augustusplatz, sowie über eine Webkonferenz.


Wir hören einen Vortrag von

    Prof. Eckhard Hitzer

mit dem Titel:

    '144 years after Clifford’s “Applications of Grassmann’s Extensive Algebra”'

zum Inhalt:

    We look at the consequences of Clifford's 1878 landmark paper on
    “Applications of Grassmann’s Extensive Algebra”. One is certainly the
    expansion of Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier's transforms to quaternion and
    Clifford algebras. A brief introduction to Clifford's geometric algebras
    will also be given. We look at how meaningful Clifford Fourier transforms
    can be designed, regarding a Mellin type variant and kernels that capture
    phase space transformations. Hamilton, Grassmann and Clifford assumed
    associativity, Cayley and Graves with the octonion algebra abandoned it,
    creating the highest dimensional known normed division algebra of eight
    dimensions. Recently a dimensionally minimal embedding of octonion
    multiplication in Clifford algebra has been found and waits to be further
    explored and applied. We also introduce application survey literature,
    with a particular example on airborne laserscanning. For computer science,
    graphics and robotics (a.o.) socalled conformal geometric algebra (CGA)
    has proved very versatile. Applying CGA to crystallography closes an
    interesting circle of mathematical developments that began 200 years ago
    with Justus G. Grassmann, Hermann's father, and on the way has lead to
    our current standard notion of vector spaces. As science always progresses,
    recently expansions of CGA that include conics and quadrics, Darboux
    Cyclides, and cubic curves and surfaces come under investigation, complete
    with computational tools (computer algebra and algorithm optimization).
    PR and conference invitations form a sort of conclusion.


Alle Interessierten sind im Namen von Professor Dr. Scheuermann herzlich

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Vanessa Kretzschmar
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