[NLP2RDF] for your kind help

qingliang.miao qingliang.miao at ia.ac.cn
Thu Aug 2 16:13:25 CEST 2012

> Dear Hellmann,
> I am interested in your work NIF, and I have some questions as follows:
> 1)       Do the wrappers change the annotation result of NLP Tools into RDF format?
> 2)       How does the wrapper work? Does it change automatically?
> For example, a POS Tagger has the output like this “semantic/JJ”, and we can have the statement “ld:offset_14406_14414_Semantic sso:posTag "JJ"”,
> but how can we obtain the statements:
> ld:offset_14406_14414_Semantic sso:oliaLink penn:JJ and ld:offset_14406_14414_Semantic rdf:type olia:Adjective;
> do we use the string similarity to match the output “JJ” with “penn:JJ”, or other methods?
> Best wishes!


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