[NLP2RDF] 2 questions

Martín Rezk martinrezk at gmail.com
Thu Jul 19 08:09:19 CEST 2012

Dear Sebastian,
                           We have two short questions that we would
like to ask you.

1)   I was checking the online demo of the NIF wrapper. My question is
the following: when the parser returns a POS tag for a given
word/phrase, for instance, "and:CC", how is exactly the connection
between Olia and Penn ontologies? My guess is that the wrapper opens
the file CC.ttl and there it gets the info linking CC with
olia:Conjunction, but I am no 100%  sure that it is that way.

2) The output of the wrapper is quite large, around 11 pages for a
single sentence.  But in the same output you write
            a) the definition of the classes,
            b)  all the super classes of every subject, for instance:
CoordinatingConjunction, Conjuntion, Tag, etc.
            c) All the comments.
Are those actually required by NIF or just to ease the  presentation ?



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