[NLP2RDF] URIs for linguistic concepts

Nancy Ide ide at cs.vassar.edu
Tue Nov 5 19:50:44 CET 2013

I'm working within an ISO working group on exchange protocols for NLP web services (http://lapps.anc.org/web-service-exchange-protocols/) to come up with a repository (and possibly also an ontology) of relevant terms/objects passed around among NLP web services (a bit like ISOCat but much simpler, and including some things ISOCat does not). We are using JSON-LD for exchange among tools, and we need URIs for the terms that can be referenced from the JSON-LD representations. Is there any set of rules for forming such URIs and the descriptions that go with them? I have been looking at "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web" (http://www.w3.org/TR/cooluris/) but it's not clear to me how this would translate into a setup for the repo, unless the hash strategy simply means I can put several terms on a page and use the hash to reference them separately.

Any thoughts on this would be most welcome. BTW we expect we will duplicate some terms from other repositories, and would have a "same-as" or "similar-to" link to the other instances. For now we just want to get everything in one place for development purposes.


Nancy Ide
Professor of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, New York 12604-0520 

tel: (+1 845) 437 5988
fax: (+1 845) 437 7498
email: ide at cs.vassar.edu


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