Harshvardhan J. Pandit harshvardhan.pandit at adaptcentre.ie
Tue Mar 3 13:23:01 CET 2020

Dear Victor, all.
Unfortunately I'm down with the flu and haven't the vocal capacity to be 
on the call.

We (Sabrina and myself) wanted to discuss on the call the posting of CFP 
on WikiCFP - and whether the special tracks should get their own CFP to 
increase their advertising.

In terms of updates for the LegalTech track: we are planning to 
advertise the legal tech track by notifying known researchers in the domain.


On 03/03/20 9:15 am, Victor de Boer @ VU wrote:
> Dear all,
> We have our bi-weekly semantics 2020 call today at 16h CET, hope to talk 
> to you all today. I do hope at least one person for each track is 
> available, but if not, please add your updates to the document below or 
> send them to me by email. The draft agenda is below, let me know if 
> there are additional items.
> Call in via: https://zoom.us/j/475925894
> Agenda/Minutes: 
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qFwjTIxsdBd4KAp84GrYAykC3qybSgOhw6mYG1LXxPk/edit# 
> best
> Victor
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Harshvardhan J. Pandit
PhD Researcher
ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

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