[ORGA-SEMANTiCS-2020-EU] SEMANTiCS US & EU both in September?

Pellegrini Tassilo Tassilo.Pellegrini at fhstp.ac.at
Mon Mar 16 16:28:22 CET 2020

Dear Harsh!
Dear all!

Thanks for your inquiry!

Since last week Victor, Thomas and me are working on a model to postpone the conference ... maybe even to February 2021, given that we need to prepare for a second infection wave.

Please expect more details very soon that we would like to discuss with you in the next telco.

Any decisions will be made in close cooperation and reconciliation with all of you and the Semantics Advisory Board.
Once we have an aggreement we can plan further communicative actions.

Stay healthy & positive. We are all wittnessing a very interesting situation.

BR ... Details will follow!

Prof.(FH) Dr. Tassilo Pellegrini

Department of Economics,
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria

Sorry for typos. Sent from my mobile.

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Von: "Harshvardhan J. Pandit" <harshvardhan.pandit at adaptcentre.ie>
Datum: 16.03.20 15:43 (GMT+01:00)
An: orga-semantics-2020 at lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Betreff: [ORGA-SEMANTiCS-2020-EU] SEMANTiCS US & EU both in September?

Hello. Given the news [1][2] about SEMANTiCS US being postponed - likely
to September, is there any update regarding the SEMANTiCS planned for
Amsterdam (EU)?

LegalTrack Chairs are planning to invite contributions for SEMANTiCS EU,
and I (personally) wanted to confirm this before sending out any invites.

Thank you,

[1] https://twitter.com/SemanticsConf/status/1238510303761043456
Harshvardhan Pandit
PhD Researcher
ADAPT Centre
Trinity College Dublin
Orga-semantics-2020 mailing list
Orga-semantics-2020 at lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de
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