[Qrowd] comments on section 3.1

Jens Lehmann lehmann at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Do Apr 10 16:04:43 CEST 2014

Am 10.04.2014 15:00, schrieb Elena Simperl:
> ... attached.
> I am worried about the very generic WP5 description. There are also
> quite a few inconsistencies and formal issues to be improved. Some tasks
> run for too long as far as I can tell. This affects mostly WP2, maybe
> also WP3.

For WP2, I believe we could go to M24 as end date for the tasks. We
could also go down from 3 deliverables/releases per task to 2, e.g. in
M12 and M24. This would mean going from 12 to 8 deliverables for the WP,
which probably makes more sense and causes less bureaucratic overhead
when we actually run the project.

For WP3, we could use a similar approach and have two releases at M15
and M27 (3 months delay to include WP1 work).

I checked the other comments and they are spot on. Just for
dissemination, I think this does not necessarily need to be done by an
academic partner - SWC in LOD2 and Ontos in GeoKnow are doing this very

We can discuss this in the telco and apply the WP2 changes in the next
integrated version (as we are now already have changes in WP2, 1.2,
1.3.3, 1.4, 2.2 just from our side and I don't want Markus to get a
headache integrating all that ;-) ).

Kind regards,


Dr. Jens Lehmann
AKSW Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
Homepage: http://www.jens-lehmann.org
GPG Key: http://jens-lehmann.org/jens_lehmann.asc

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