[Qrowd] Sec. 1.3 How Brox contributes for Business Case E-Commerce

Robert Isele risele at brox.de
Fr Apr 18 18:59:00 CEST 2014

Hi Elena,

below is my part of Section 1.3 on how Brox contributes for Business Case E-Commerce:

Brox does have long standing experience with using Linked Data for the integration of distributed information systems in the enterprise domain.  One of the major challenges for e-Commerce data is the assessment of the quality of the data harvested in the corporate as well as the continuous improvement of the quality of the data integrated from external sources. Unfortunately, data sets in enterprises usually do not have comprehensive quality indicators attached, thus their quality is often unknown. Solving these issues is at the core of the QROWD project. 

Brox contributes to the e-Commerce use case in the following respects:
•    OntoWiki, which is already used by brox for managing customer knowledge bases, will be extended with crowdsourcing capabilities.
•    Brox provides the eccenca Linked Data Suite, which in addition to OntoWiki also contains components for integrating and managing data sets in the enterprise domain. 
•    Brox will integrate the components developed in QROWD into the Unister infrastructure.
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