[Qrowd] version for submission

Elena Simperl e.simperl at soton.ac.uk
Di Apr 22 16:02:23 CEST 2014

Dear all,

please find attached a first version that could be submitted.

Change log:

1. implemented most of the comments of Andreas (I have not yet defined 
Linked Data...)

2. implemented most of Daniel's comments. I have not added exact figures 
in Section 2.1 as I do not have them. I have also not looked into these 

1.4 Format/Style of the tables, especially "product" column cuts down 
the words --> See my email to Amrapali and Jens.

Section4. Was there a recommendation on how many publications should be 
listed (5 or so)? (Maybe cut down for Ontos and others)

Two typo errors for Dr Andreas Both text "key personnel in QROWD
"serices" instead of "services" and "potentiol" instead of "potential"

People description for INFAI is missing....

- corporate identify for titles in names...
Dr Jens Lehmann but not for Elena, Markus and Alejandra..


Re this comment

- We list many data sets that we will use. Is there a plan to create new 
data sets that can be used? If yes can we name them? --> We do mention 
what we do with crowdsourced data and we have public endpoints in WP1

3. addressed comments by Martin K.

4. Updated milestones table and Section 3.4

5. Changed header and footer to match Sections 4 and 5.

I will work on Section 2 now. I'd be very grateful if we could solve the 
issue with the gigantic table in Section 1.4 (it goes over 4 pages!!!). 
Any other comments are welcomed before tomorrow morning.

@Thomas, go ahead and submit this version. I will feed you updated 
versions tonight and tomorrow lunch time.

I assume Thomas will take care of Daniel's comments that refer to 
Section 4?


Dr. Elena Simperl
Senior Lecturer
Web and Internet Science Group
Electronics & Computer Science
University of Southampton
email: E.Simperl at soton.ac.uk
twitter: https://twitter.com/esimperl
telefone: +44 2380 59 7692
mobile: +44 7900 666705

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