[Qrowd] Section 1.4 tables, deliverable descriptions

Elena Simperl e.simperl at soton.ac.uk
Di Apr 22 16:46:23 CEST 2014

There are two tables in 1.4...the second one is the issue, you'll find 
it just after 1.3.5 (Word goes crazy with long tables like that sometimes).

On 22-Apr-14 3:40 PM, Jens Lehmann wrote:
> Hello,
> Am 22.04.2014 15:29, schrieb Elena Simperl:
>> Dear Amrapali and Jens,
>> I am writing to you as you kindly coordinated the compilation of Section
>> 1.4. It seems this section is very comprehensive and as such formating
>> the content using (Google) tables is suboptimal. Would it be possible
>> for you to send me a version without tables?
>> I did a quick check and we would save one page of text. Also, as the
>> table spans over more than 4 pages now, it is hardly readable.
> I guess you mean the related activities in 1.3.4? (The 1.4 table is not
> long.)
> Personally, I think that tables are easier to browse / navigate for
> reviewers instead of long texts (for that part of the proposal, the
> reviewers just need to see that we did our homework and are aware of
> other projects). I just checked the table and content and we can cut it
> down to 2 pages by optimising the spacing and reducing the text to the
> most relevant parts. Would you be fine with that?
> We can also use any table formatting you prefer.
> I also checked the deliverables for possibly adding descriptions to
> them, but I don't feel comfortable specifying deliverable details for
> the business cases (the descriptions would have significant impact if
> the project is accepted), so I guess we'll stick to titles only.
> Kind regards,
> Jens

Dr. Elena Simperl
Senior Lecturer
Web and Internet Science Group
Electronics & Computer Science
University of Southampton
email: E.Simperl at soton.ac.uk
twitter: https://twitter.com/esimperl
telefone: +44 2380 59 7692
mobile: +44 7900 666705

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