[OpenWalnut-Dev] Permanent tickets

Mathias Goldau math at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Mon Sep 12 10:59:33 CEST 2011

Am 12.09.2011 10:18, Alexander Wiebel wrote:
> Hi
>> Am I right when you say you want to assign work better to tickets with those
>> "permanent tickets" (pt)? I think it wouldn't work, since people then would
> I think this is not quite what I meant
> The main and first intention is to have a ticket I can attribute work like
> http://www.openwalnut.org/projects/openwalnut/repository/revisions/5219
> http://www.openwalnut.org/projects/openwalnut/repository/revisions/5220
> http://www.openwalnut.org/projects/openwalnut/repository/revisions/5215
> to [1].
> The permanent tickets would yield more commits (those related to
> style/doc/spelling) that are attributed to tickets numbers. This in turn (I
> thought) would encourage to also have tickets for even more commits, i.e. it
> could lead to creating more tickets for tasks you are doing.
> Does this clarify my idea and intention?

Yes, but I have nonetheless the following objections:
A commit message ala "[DOC #123]..." would not have any significant more
information, since its just documentation, which one can derive from "[DOC]".
Same applies for "[STYLE]".
> Cheers Alex
> [1] I think creating a *new* ticket each time I intend to work a little bit on
> documentation, style or spelling is not a good idea.

Yes I totally agree, since I would say just lets make "[DOC]" without any
message. But this as we have pointed out could lead into temptation for making
those commit messages: "[FIX]". So the rule with the ticket number is a simple
rule, I would make just one permanent ticket for Doc as well as Style. Not to
make a milestone (which never gonna finish).

So lets make a simple derivable rule for other developers on how to make
commit messages, and then one single permanent ticket would be ok. My
objection "What do we do when other work is related to this special ticket" is
conditional, so let's try it..


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Universität Leipzig
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