Alexander Wiebel wiebel_openwalnut at dergrosse.de
Thu Apr 11 22:28:38 CEST 2013

Hi fellow developers,
maybe I am trying to do something you consider to be strange.
Nevertheless, I would like to hear your opinion on the following.

I want to maintain a module in the modules repository, i.e. separately
from the main OpenWalnut repo. I followed the example and used a
"WToolkit.cpp" file as shown. ... it works. Then I tried to use the same
code of the same module in another OpenWalnut by simply copying the
module's directory into "src/modules" of the other OpenWalnut and adding
the module to a toolbox. However, when I do this I need to add the
W_LOADABLE_MODULE line to make it compile. So far so good. One could
think, that I can simply add the same line to the modules repo. However,
if I do this it conflicts with the WLoadModule stuff in WToolkit.cpp.

I hope you were able to follow my explanations. Now my question is: Is
there a way to have code that works for both variants, i.e. in
"src/modules" and in a separate repo with WToolkit?


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