[Qrowd] Final TODOS for QROWD

Thomas Thurner t.thurner at semantic-web.at
Mi Apr 16 12:45:09 CEST 2014


for the next hours we have the following procedure.

a) Look at the status-table, to see which chapter you have agreed on to
complete and make camera ready at

b) Use the last compiled version (
as the source for your work and took the chapter and copy it to a blank
word document.

c) edit it and load the file to grips at

d) put the URL of this attachment into the column "LINK TO THE RESP. DOC IN
GRIPS" in the above mentioned status-table

e) if you have changed text also in other chapters, please mention it also
in the status-table

Thats the procedure for the next hours.

Happy EasterWriting


Thomas Thurner
Head of Transfer
Semantic Web Company GmbH
Mariahilfer Straße 70 / 8
A - 1070 Vienna, Austria
Tel +43 1 402 12 35 - 31
Fax +43 1 402 12 35 - 22
Mobile +43 664 88679980


LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data - http://lod2.eu/
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