[Qrowd] market validation

Elena Simperl e.simperl at soton.ac.uk
Mi Apr 16 17:14:07 CEST 2014

Hello everyone,

I am now revising and aligning all work packages. I have just reviewed 
WPs 4 and 5, which require additional details as follows:

- which data sources you will harvest, from where, what formats, what 
languages, what domains. I need one paragraph with very specific 

- we need to name some partners of the REEEP network which will be 
targeted for the market validation.

- we need to name a customer or more of Unister in the travel domain for 
the market validation.

Please send this information via email to the list today.


Dr. Elena Simperl
Senior Lecturer
Web and Internet Science Group
Electronics & Computer Science
University of Southampton
email: E.Simperl at soton.ac.uk
twitter: https://twitter.com/esimperl
telefone: +44 2380 59 7692
mobile: +44 7900 666705

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