[Qrowd] Section 2 reworked available

Robert Isele risele at brox.de
Fr Apr 18 18:11:07 CEST 2014

Hi Martin,

in the call this moring it has been suggested that I contribute to the "Smart, green and integrated transport" part and write down how QROWD potentially makes supply chains more efficient. Below is my stab on that:

A particular area of competence of brox is supporting automotive supply chains. Brox has worked on a number of projects in this area with Volkswagen, Daimler and other customers. In particular, brox is member of ITA - Automotive Service Partner, the German Association of the Automotive IT industry and in this role involved in standardizing crucial IT building blocks and defining best practices. Quality Assessment as provided by QROWD is relevant for supply chains in two respects:

1. As supply chains are large and contain data coming from many suppliers from different countries, assessing and maintaining the quality of multilingual data, such as customer reference data, is essential.
2. Optimizing supply chains usually requires the integration of external background knowledge, such as route maps. When using external data sets as background knowledge, it is crucial to assess the quality of these, to complement and contrast it with additional data being available to the enterprise (e.g. enterprise taxonomies, domain databases etc.).

Quality Assessment helps to make supply chains more efficient and flexible reducing transport and storage costs and by that also reduce CO² emissions.
-----Original message-----
From: Martin Kaltenböck <m.kaltenboeck at semantic-web.at>
Sent: Friday 18th April 2014 16:32
To: Qrowd at lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de; Andreas Both <andreas.both at unister.de>; Martin Voigt <martin.voigt at ontos.com>
Subject: [Qrowd] Section 2 reworked available

Dear all

please find the reworked & complete 'Section 2 Impact' now uploaded here: https://grips.semantic-web.at/download/attachments/51809713/Qrowd-Section2-complete_SWC_MK.docx?api=v2
(as well as attached if needed)

Andreas, what is missing is a small para on page 7 please on impact on the societal challenge of: Smart, green and integrated transport
(I do NOT think we need add. Brox input there as all the partners bus modells et al are written in section 1 - have referred to all these sections for partner infos...)

Also have re-used a lot of the basic text existing that was quite good already but cleaned up reg. big data and transformed to data management and open data & web data et al...
Furthermore reworked the structure  of 2.1 and 2.2. and transferred some paras from the one section to the other...

AND: to Martin and Andreas - it would be great to have one of you (or both) for proof reading please  - and then upload the final version 
to the wiki for Elena & Markus to be integrated in the master copy please...

Many thanks and have a great Easter weekend - I am off now but checking emails from time to time - Martin

Martin Kaltenböck, CMC
Managing Partner, CFO

Semantic Web Company (SWC)
Mariahilfer Strasse 70 / 8
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